Thursday, 4 February 2010

Captaining the ship

I have kept strangely quiet on the sex scandal surrounding John Terry. First I must clearly state that I am a Chelsea supporter. Secondly I support England. So considering this I will state that it will not matter whether Terry or Rio Ferdinand wears the Captains armband for England. The role of a Captain hardly amounts to anything. It is not like in Cricket where the Captain is pivotal to the success of the team. However I am shocked that Terry did something like this. Terry's wife looks anyday better than the lady he slept with. It was stupid. All of us our guilty of it. I don't mean that each person is ready to jump into bed with someone else. What I do mean though is that a lot of us try to take that little extra unnecessary risk to get that extra return which in reality we really do not need. If we are invested in a long/short equity hedge fund and a good active equity manager then is there a need to purchase a two times leverage ETF that shorts the DOW? In the long run your equity hedge fund manager will provide the best risk adjusted return. Things can go very wrong with Short ETFs. Experts are saying that this escapade would cost him Five Million Pounds and a wife and his twins. I hope she was worth it. Everything in life has a value associated with it. The trick is to judge the right future value.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

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